Friday, May 30, 2008

schoooooools out, for, summer

today school ended for summer. i got out at 11:15 even though it was getting out at 11:40. the last hour of school everyone went to are big field and had lunch outside while you could sign yearbooks. later it was a teachers vs students baseball game. The teachers said we could leave any time during that last hour so i left about 11:10. Then i went with my mom and sisters to get keri and carter from school. we got home had lunch then me and my mom only went to toys are us and i got a new bike! i have a biking campout at three o clock where i will be biking 25 miles. i wish that school started up again on monday june 2.


Unknown said...

wow! you want to go back to school already1 im looking forward to the long summer ahead of me! i cant wait to hear from ya for some reason your bloging has been going slow well i hope you have a great summer!

Mindy said...

Yes, why do you want school? Sleeping in, watching TV, doing nothing...thats what its all aobut isnt it?